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Geisinger becomes the first member of Risant Health

A young girl in town

Your gift, where it matters most

Support Geisinger’s greatest needs

Directing your gift to the areas that need it most gives you an opportunity to deeply impact the people we serve, whether it’s supporting mobile teams that care for seniors in their own homes, removing barriers to lifesaving cancer treatments for people in isolated regions or expanding access to highly trained specialists for children with complex illnesses.  

"Philanthropy from kind-hearted donors like you strengthens the resources our doctors rely upon to provide advanced, personalized care to others all year long." - Greg Francis Burke, MD, Chief Patient Experience Officer, Geisinger

Every dollar you give will make a difference. 

Your unrestricted gift, directed to Geisinger’s area of greatest need, will help us provide life-changing support, treatment and services to our friends and neighbors.  

Community programs 

  • Our LIFE Geisinger program for older adults, with doctors, nurses and support staff who provide home-based care to help seniors manage chronic conditions and avoid health complications. 
  • Our Child Advocacy Center, which supports children who are abused or neglected and helps them recover.
  • The Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) program, which trains nurses to spot signs of sexual abuse and collect forensic evidence to aid prosecution.
  • Community-based addiction recovery programs that help people achieve sobriety, including pregnant women.
  • No-cost drive-through flu shot events in communities throughout our footprint, including high-dose flu shots for those age 65 and older.

Technology and research

  • Diagnostic equipment that provides high-quality images of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and other areas so specialists can provide timely diagnosis and treatment.  
  • Machine-learning technology to detect and prevent chronic diseases.
  • Telemedicine technology that allows patients to meet with Geisinger doctors from the comfort of home.

Caring, personalized experiences

  • Healing gardens that provide respite at our hospitals.
  • Child-friendly supplies, like The Courage Cape children’s books, infant beds and NICU warming lamps.
  • Bariatric exam tables for a safer, more comfortable experience for community members with obesity.

Treatment innovations

  • Community- and home-based programs like LIFE Geisinger that help adults manage chronic diseases and live more active lives.  
  • Cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence that helps neurologists, cardiologists and other specialists prevent stroke, heart disease, cancer and other life-threatening conditions.
  • Machine-learning that helps our experts identify people at higher risk for colon cancer so we can do preventive screenings. 

Join us! Help us create a healthier, happier future for everyone today

There is so much more Geisinger can do. As a nonprofit healthcare organization, we need your help to make health, wellness and healing a reality for everyone in our community. Your gift, no matter the size, will make a difference. Let’s change lives together!

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