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I forgot my username

We can help you recover it here.

I forgot my password

We can help you recover your password here.

First, confirm your recovery information and update if needed. Then, enter your username and click the “Send Request” button to reset your password.  You will receive a temporary security code to your account recovery email address.  Once you receive the code, enter it in the Security Code field and click the “Validate” button. You will then be prompted to enter your new password to complete the reset process.

Please note, the code is case-sensitive.  If you are copying and pasting the code in the field, please make sure there are no extra spaces added.

I can't reset my password

Sorry you're having trouble. We can help. Geisinger patients call 570-214-0003 or complete this form. For other organizations, call 570-849-6917 or complete this form

Oops, I forgot my username and password

First, you will need to retrieve your username

Next, you can reset your password once you know your username. Confirm your recovery information and update if needed. Then, enter your username and click the “Send Request” button to reset your password. You will receive a temporary security code to your account recovery email address. Once you receive the code, enter it in the Security Code field and click the “Validate” button. You will then be prompted to enter your new password to complete the reset process.

Please note, the code is case-sensitive. If you are copying and pasting the code in the field, please make sure there are no extra spaces added.

My information is invalid

Sorry you’re having trouble. We can help. Geisinger patients call 570-214-0003 or complete this form. For other organizations, call 570-849-6917 or complete this form

When I sign in it says Forbidden

Sorry you’re having trouble. We can help. First, try to sign in without using a bookmarked link. Click here to access the sign-in page. If that still doesn’t work, fill out the form or call the service desk. Geisinger patients call 570-214-0003. For other organizations, call 570-849-6917

My account is disabled

We can help recover your account. Please fill out this form.  
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