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PA Health Magazine Feature Photo

The bike was totaled. He nearly was, too.

“Life is good and I’m lucky to be alive. I actually think I’m a better person than I was before the accident.”

Welcome to the online winter edition of PA Health magazine.

You’ll find all the great content from our print edition. Like remarkable stories about our neighbors’ triumphs over health challenges. And ways to make the most of our region’s natural areas and recreation spots. Plus, delicious, healthy recipes.

You’ll also find bonus content, like more tasty treats to make, inspiring videos about local people who are thriving after facing health issues — and quick links to in-depth information about the conditions they’ve overcome. Because when we share resources, we make good health more accessible for everyone.

Thank you, Zing-ers!

Many of you responded to our Zing challenge in the fall issue, and we’re so glad you did. Some of your own Zing things:

  • Read a funny story to a child
  • Smile at a stranger :)
  • Watch a funny show or movie once a week
  • Walk a bit further
  • Running errands for people
  • Kick soccer ball back & forth for the grandsons
  • Drink vegetable juke today & get someone else to do it
  • Eat a salad every day

Geisinger’s Zing project answers these questions with an easy-to-follow formula you can use to start living a healthier life. Aim for these goals every day:

  • 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
  • 4 positive affirmations
  • 3 belly laughs
  • 2 hours or less of recreational screen time
  • 1 hour of outdoor activity
  • 0 sugar-sweetened beverages

Thanks to our readers who emailed or mailed us — as well as to those who didn’t, but still found small ways to work in better health every day.

Didn't try our fall Zing challenge? Join in the fun!

Keep on Zing-ing!

Do you have a story to tell?

If you have a story suggestion or an amazing health story to tell, we’d love to hear it, and maybe we’ll even feature it in an upcoming issue of PA Health magazine.

Share your Geisinger story

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