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PA Health Magazine-Fall 2020

David Chapple was COVID-19-positive and needed emergency surgery. But he — and his care team — got through it safely.

Looking back, David realizes he should have known something was wrong when he bit into his Italian hoagie and tasted only salt.


Your Guide to Health & Well-Being

Welcome to the online fall edition of PA Health magazine, where you’ll find all the great content from our print edition.

Like remarkable stories about our neighbors’ triumphs over health challenges. And ways to make the most of our region’s natural areas and recreation spots. Plus, delicious, healthy recipes.

You’ll also find bonus content, like more tasty treats to make, inspiring videos about local people who are thriving after facing health issues — and quick links to in-depth information about the conditions they’ve overcome. Because when we share resources, we make good health more accessible for everyone.

Frank Ditaranto, back home in Winfield with his wife Marie.

Tech to the rescue

3D printing helped Frank Ditaranto’s neurosurgeon prepare for a highly successful 19-hour procedure.


Fall is a beautiful time to hit the hiking trails.

Enjoy fall — safely

Heading out for some fun this fall? Check out our tips to stay safe while hiking, biking and hunting. We’ll help you avoid spills, sprains — and critters that bite.


Go with the current down the Susquehanna, Lehigh or Delaware rivers or in a deep creek, like Penn’s Creek in central Pennsylvania.

Make a splash

The weather is changing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy our region’s many waterways. There’s plenty to do beyond swimming. Join us and explore our rivers, lakes and waterfalls.


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