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PA Health Magazine-Summer 2020

The information Dawn Snyder got was unexpected. But she’s grateful to have it.

A phone call from Dawn Snyder's primary care provider gave her a heads-up that she would soon hear from researches with Geisinger’s MyCode® Community Health Initiative.
That call — and the action taken by Dawn and team of specialists — changed her life.


Your Guide to Health & Well-Being

Welcome to the online summer edition of PA Health magazine, where you’ll find all the great content from our print edition.

Like remarkable stories about our neighbors’ triumphs over health challenges. And ways to make the most of our region’s natural areas and recreation spots. Plus, delicious, healthy recipes.

You’ll also find bonus content, like more tasty treats to make, inspiring videos about local people who are thriving after facing health issues — and quick links to in-depth information about the conditions they’ve overcome. Because when we share resources, we make good health more accessible for everyone.

Make appointments with your doctor using telemedicine

The doctor will see you now — from your screen.

The past few months made video healthcare a necessity. Geisinger is using technology to replace in-person visits at many primary care clinics. Haven't tried telemedicine yet? There's a good chance you will.

Family enjoying a bike ride

Biking is a fun — and healthy — way to see PA.

Biking can be a great workout for you, or the entire family. Not only is it great workout for all fitness levels, but it also lets you explore the local sights and terrain. We have a few routes that can offer variety to your ride.

Pickles being canned for consumption in the fall

Canning: Old-fashioned, but perfect for today.

Canning may seem like an antiquated skill that only your great-grandmother could master. However, if you're looking for a cost-effective way to enjoy health fruits and vegetables, we can help you get started. 


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