Search the formulary
Members can sign in or create an account to search the GHP Family formulary and Statewide Preferred Drug List online
View the GHP Family formulary and the Statewide Preferred Drug List to search for covered drugs, including specialty medications, prior authorization requirements and in-network pharmacies.
GHP Family formulary (PDF)
Statewide Preferred Drug List
Geisinger Health Plan (GHP) follows the Statewide Preferred Drug List (PDL), which is developed by the Department of Human Services’ Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Medications not on the PDL follow the GHP Family formulary.
Some drugs require a copay, which is the amount you pay at the pharmacy when receiving your medications. You can’t be denied medication if you can’t afford the copay. Let your pharmacist know if you can't pay, although they can still try to collect it.
The following members do not have to pay co-payments:
Health insurance plan formularies are regularly updated, like when new drugs are added or a drug is recalled.
These changes are listed in our GHP member newsletters, or you can check this page whenever you’d like.
If we remove drugs from our formulary, or add prior authorization, quantity limits and/or step therapy restrictions on a drug or move a drug to a higher cost-sharing tier, we must notify affected members of the change (30 days for employer coverage and GHP Family; 60 days for other plans) before the change becomes effective.
Drugs declared unsafe by the FDA or withdrawn by the manufacturer are immediately removed from the formulary, and affected members are notified.
Some drugs require prior approval from GHP Family. Your prescriber must get this approval before the prescription can be filled. GHP Family will not cover the drug without approval.
If prior authorization is needed:
Option 1
If your medication isn’t on the Statewide Preferred Drug List or GHP Family formulary, you can share the lists with your doctor. They can tell if you if there’s an alternative that will work for you.
Call GHP Family Pharmacy Customer Service at 855-552-6028 or 570-214-3554 (PA Relay 711).
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Option 2
Your doctor can ask GHP Family to approve your current drug through a prior authorization. See our Geisinger policy.
With GHP Family, you have access to the Navitus Specialty Pharmacy Network, allowing you to choose any specialty pharmacy in the network.
View network specialty pharmacies and specialty drugs list (PDF)
Out-of-network pharmacies can be used if:
Members can sign in or create an account to search the GHP Family formulary and Statewide Preferred Drug List online
Search the GHP Family formulary, Statewide Preferred Drug List or find a covered pharmacy without signing in
See the GHP Family formulary (effective Sept. 1, 2024) and the Statewide Preferred Drug List