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One week before Halloween 2020, Wilson Abram was in a devastating dirt bike accident resulting in two fractured femurs and a shattered elbow. Those were just the traumas the first responders could see. Thankfully, he had been wearing a helmet, so he was conscious during his Life Flight® trip to Geisinger.

Once in the ER, Wilson’s care team sprang into action, and found he was at a high risk for stroke due to several carotid aneurysms, bulges in the arteries supplying blood to the brain. The care team, including pediatric orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Mark Seeley, kept Wilson’s parents informed every step of the way. Part of that care included getting to know Wilson as a person, not just a patient.

While Wilson himself couldn’t get completely comfortable thanks to the many splints and casts on his broken bones, his parents were able to spend every night there, trading off spots on the comfy sofa and recliner in his room, two of the many things that donations to Children’s Miracle Network at Geisinger help provide to patients and their families.

It’s been a long road to recovery, with consistent follow-up from Dr. Seeley, but Wilson is back to life as an active teenager.

2023 Miracle Kid, Wilson Abram of Mifflinburg
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