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We continue to send thousands of home test kits to members who are managing diabetes or at risk for chronic kidney disease or colorectal cancer.

Engaging members in preventive care at home is the first step toward knowing what further testing or treatment may be needed.

What the program looks like

Through November, we’ll be sending at-home test kits to members. The kits contain all the supplies members need and clear instructions on how to complete the tests. Automated follow-up phone calls will encourage them to complete their at-home testing. Test results will be shared with members’ doctors to coordinate any other testing or treatment that may be needed. 
To give you a sense of the scale of our annual at-home test kit initiative, here’s what we plan to send: 
  • About 18,000 hemoglobin A1c test kits
  • About 26,000 urine albumin and/or eGFR test kits
  • About 50,000 colorectal cancer screening test kits 

Helping members close care gaps

Consistent screenings — whether done at home or in a provider’s office — help detect risky abnormalities before larger problems like kidney disease and colorectal cancer emerge. Consider talking to your patients about the benefits of at-home test kits or schedule in-office testing for patients you know are overdue for these screenings. For some primary care providers, closing these care gaps can result in more robust quality incentive payments.

Call 866-847-1216 or 800-876-5357 if you have questions about our at-home screening initiatives.

Who is ordering tests for my patients?

As part of the administration of our at-home test kit initiative, you may see in a patient's record that one or more of these tests are ordered by a physician you don’t recognize. For the program to work, all test kits must be ordered by a physician.

We’ve teamed up with our Geisinger clinical pathology partners and Dr. Michelle Pramick, MD, to serve as the ordering physician for administrative purposes only. You may see Dr. Pramick’s name on patient records or other reporting as the ordering provider. 

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