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Breast imaging care you can count on

No matter your need for breast imaging, our compassionate team of breast care specialists will help you feel comfortable during your appointment.

What is breast imaging?

Breast imaging produces images or pictures of the tissue inside your breasts. These images allow your doctor to examine your breast tissue, which can:

  • Detect cancer in its earliest stages, before symptoms appear
  • Detect and diagnose non-cancerous (benign) breast diseases, including:
    • Cysts
    • Lumps
    • Nipple discharge
    • The cause of any pain

If your breast imaging results show signs of cancer, our team will work with you throughout your treatment journey. From detection through treatment, breast surgery and clinical trials, you’ll have us as your partners every step of the way.

Make an appointment

Schedule a consultation at 800-275-6401.
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Types of breast imaging

Breast imaging is your best chance at detecting signs of breast cancer in the earliest stages, when it’s easiest to treat. Most women are recommended to have their first mammogram at age 40. Your doctor will tell you if you should have breast imaging done earlier based on your medical and family history.

Your doctor may recommend these types of breast imaging:


During a mammogram, each breast will be compressed for a few seconds to get the best pictures. Although the full mammogram screening process takes about 20 to 30 minutes, the compression aspect of it lasts only a few seconds.

We offer 3D mammograms, the latest advancement in breast imaging. During a 3D mammogram, your technician will take pictures in two projections — above and from the side — to allow for visualization of all your breast tissue. To do this, your breast will be placed on a lower X-ray plate. An upper plate is then lowered onto the breast to compress it and take the mammogram pictures. 

After your mammogram, a breast radiologist will review the series of images to see if there are any abnormalities that may require additional testing.

Learn more about mammograms.


An ultrasound is a non-invasive exam that uses sound waves to create an internal image of your breast tissue. This test shows the tissue makeup and blood flow in your breast so your doctor can better analyze any areas of concern that were found during a mammogram or breast MRI.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan

An MRI is a non-invasive diagnostic tool used in addition to mammography. We screen women who are at high risk for breast cancer and use it to diagnosis and evaluate the extent of breast cancer.

Image-guided breast biopsy

During a minimally invasive, image-guided biopsy, your doctor removes a small sample of tissue from your breast and examines it for the presence of any cancerous cells. Our surgeons perform the following breast biopsies, all which use breast imaging to confirm the location of a mass, then guide the needle to the mass:

  • Stereotactic biopsies (which uses a mammography machine)
  • Ultrasound-guided biopsies
  • MRI-guided biopsies

Breast care at Geisinger

Our breast care team is here to provide you and your loved ones with compassionate care and the most advanced breast imaging available. We offer:

  • Unmatched expertise – Your comprehensive breast health team consists of breast surgeons, specially trained oncologists, surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, psychologists, nurse navigators and genetic counselors. Together, they focus on giving you the most personalized and excellent care.
  • Nationally recognized breast care – Our breast programs at Geisinger Medical Center and Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center are recognized by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC), a program that acknowledges centers that provide the highest-quality care to women with breast disease. We've held this distinction for more than 10 years. This means you’ll receive the highest level of care at every step.
  • Leading-edge clinical trials – Cancer research and clinical trials give you access to new treatments before they become widely available. Participating in a trial may help you get better even if standard approaches haven’t worked. Find a clinical trial.
  • Genetic testing and counseling programs – Special research programs such as MyCode® are only available at Geisinger. Participating in MyCode allows you to contribute to genetic research. By participating, some may receive information about their own genetic risks. Learn about MyCode.
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