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Concussion (non-sports related)

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by hitting your head very hard or experiencing a whiplash movement. Your brain crashes against your skull, harming delicate brain tissue. We treat many athletes with concussions, helping them safeguard their brain health.

Every year in the United States, about 200,000 people suffer sports-related concussions. Given recent discoveries about long-term effects, sports medicine professionals have become more vigilant about diagnosing and treating concussions.

What you should know about concussions:

  • Concussions may be mild to severe. Most people recover within a week to 10 days. Repeat concussions can be serious, however, with effects that are long lasting. That’s why it is very important to see a doctor for an evaluation if you suspect a concussion.
  • You may feel symptoms right away, or they may develop over a few days. The most common concussion symptoms are:
    • Losing consciousness
    • Headache
    • Memory loss and confusion
    • Difficulty with speaking
    • Unequal pupil size
    • Drowsiness and/or sleeping problems
    • Dizziness/altered walking pattern
    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Seizures

Why choose Geisinger for concussion care?

  • Diagnosis: Our sports medicine team has extensive experience recognizing concussions and evaluating cognitive impairment. Our trainers and doctors work with high school, college and professional sports teams, with concussions a major focus for us.
  • Focus on treating athletes: Traumatic brain injuries are dangerous for anyone. We know that athletes, especially those who play impact sports, have specialized needs. That’s why we do impact testing to make sure that it’s safe for you to return to play after a concussion.
  • Follow-up care: We provide excellent follow-up care for athletes with concussions, including careful rehabilitation for those with serious concussions.
  • Neurology and neurosurgery

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