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Cosmetic dermatology

Your skin is with you through all of life’s experiences, so show it some love. Whether you’re looking to reduce the signs of aging, minimize sun damage or remove unwanted hair, our cosmetic dermatologists are here to help you love the skin you’re in.


What is cosmetic dermatology?

Improve the overall appearance of your skin through cosmetic dermatology’s non-surgical procedures and treatments, including chemical peels, laser treatments, fillers and more.

Why see a cosmetic dermatologist?

Our cosmetic dermatologists focus on improving and enhancing what you already have — so you still look like you. Want to refresh your skin, reduce wrinkles or minimize an imperfection? We can help. If you have any of the following issues, you may benefit from seeing a cosmetic dermatologist:

  • Acne
  • Birthmarks
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Moles and skin tags
  • Red or brown spots
  • Scars
  • Skin discoloration, sun damage and melasma
  • Unwanted hair
  • Hair loss, or alopecia
  • Varicose veins or spider veins

Get dermatology care

Our experienced dermatologists will work with you to diagnose, treat and manage your condition. They’ll also teach you how to prevent future issues.

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Cosmetic dermatology treatments

Before we perform any procedure or treatment, you’ll come in for a no-obligation consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists or advanced practitioners. Together, we’ll talk about your goals — whether that’s a more youthful appearance or addressing a specific trouble area — and identify the best treatment for you.

Our non-surgical procedures can help you achieve your skin goals. And many can be done in one office visit with minimal downtime or side effects.

Our treatments and procedures include:

Laser hair removal

During this procedure, a safe laser beam is used to “beam” highly concentrated light into the hair follicles. When the hair follicles’ pigment absorbs the light, the hair is destroyed. It may take a few sessions to achieve your desired result, but this treatment is highly effective in removing unwanted hair.
Fraxel (laser resurfacing facial)

The Fraxel laser treatment is designed to improve the tone and appearance of sun-damaged or wrinkled skin. By penetrating your skin cells, it encourages the growth of new collagen and elastin.

This injectable treatment destroys fat cells under your chin permanently.

This injectable treatment temporarily relaxes facial muscles to reduce the appearance of fine lines, crow’s feet and wrinkles.

Injectable dermal fillers can help plump lips, smooth fine lines and wrinkles, and restore lost volume in the face. Additionally, under-eye fillers can be used to reduce bags and puffiness. We offer the following fillers:

  • Juvederm®: This filler can help reduce signs of aging and add fullness to your cheeks and lips.
  • Volbella®: This long-lasting filler can help you enjoy fuller, natural-looking lips and enhance your smile by reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth.
  • Voluma®: This filler can help you achieve fuller, younger-looking cheeks for as long as two years. After injection, you can see results in as little as two weeks.
  • Radiesse®: This long-lasting filler improves your skin’s texture and appearance by increasing your body’s production of collagen, which boosts skin’s elasticity and hydration.

During this procedure, a roller covered with tiny needles is used to create microscopic punctures in the skin. This helps tighten and reduce the appearance of fine lines on the skin. Microneedling may also be used to treat rosacea, enlarged pores and acne scars.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which combines plasma and platelets from your own blood, may be added to a microneedling treatment or used on its own to help rejuvenate skin and treat alopecia.


During this procedure, your provider will use a small device to deliver pulses of radiofrequency to your facial skin. Those radio waves help tighten the skin and stimulates collagen production in your face. They also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During this procedure, a saline solution is injected into varicose veins, causing them to collapse and disappear.
Chemical peels

During this treatment, a chemical solution is applied to the skin, which makes your skin “peel.” As it peels, a layer of smoother, younger-looking skin is revealed.
Red and brown spot, scar and birthmark removal

This treatment involves the use of a high-intensity laser to heat and reduce red or brown spots on the face.

Cosmetic dermatology care at Geisinger

From fillers to chemical peels and treatment for varicose veins, our cosmetic dermatology team has the experience you need to get the best results. We offer:

  • Personalized treatment – We understand your goals are exactly that: yours. That’s why our team will work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.
  • Big-city treatments in your backyard – Procedures and treatments are done in our clinics in Wilkes-Barre and Danville by board-certified dermatologists and physician assistants, so you don’t have to travel far to get the results you desire.
  • Natural, long-lasting results – Get the natural look you want with less downtime than a traditional surgical procedure. Our cosmetic dermatologists can help you enhance your appearance with non-surgical procedures, so you still feel like you.
  • Save money with our rewards program – Save money with Brilliant Distinctions, our rewards program that helps you save on Botox and other facial filler procedures. Each time you get Botox or another injectable treatment, you’ll earn points toward a discount on future treatments. To get started, ask a member of your care team.
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