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High-Risk Breast Clinic

Our High-Risk Breast Clinic helps people who face a higher risk of developing breast cancer, as well as those who have concerns about their risks.

Risks include:

  • Dense breasts
  • Family history of breast or ovarian cancer
  • Previous biopsies that showed suspicious changes such as atypical hyperplasia or lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) in breast tissue.

At our clinic, you receive a comprehensive evaluation, physical exam and risk assessment. Our specialists then develop a personalized risk reduction strategy that may include medications or risk-reducing surgery (in cases of very high risk).

What you should know about the High-Risk Breast Clinic

  • The clinic is meant for people who are at an increased risk for breast cancer but have not been diagnosed with a genetic mutation (altered gene) associated with the disease. People with such mutations should first consider visiting our Inherited Risk Breast Clinic. After your initial consultation at our multidisciplinary Inherited Risk Breast Clinic you will be followed annually in the High Risk Breast Clinic.
  • Many people worry that they are at increased risk for breast cancer. Often, our screening program can reduce your fears and worries by showing you that your risk is average, not high.

Why choose the Geisinger High-Risk Breast Clinic?

  • Comprehensive risk assessment: We use a sophisticated, computer-generated genetic modeling program to evaluate the likelihood of developing cancer.
  • Coordinated, specialized care: Specialists in breast health, genetics, radiology, pathology, medical oncology and radiation oncology work together to provide your care.
  • Experienced genetic counselors: Our genetic counseling team is compassionate and knowledgeable.

Related treatment:
Also see Inherited Risk Breast Clinic

Contact us about visiting our clinic

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Get High-Risk Breast Clinic treatment

Treats these conditions

If you are at high risk of developing breast cancer because of dense breasts, a family history of the disease or other factors, we can help.

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