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Newborn services

From the moment you arrive in our labor and delivery unit, our team of specialists is dedicated to providing the very best care. Every birth experience is unique and different. Our goal is to make yours special and comfortable through dedicated mother/baby bonding time and breastfeeding support.

Geisinger’s highly trained pediatricians, childbirth educators and nurses patiently respond to every concern to calm and support parents. We help babies thrive, including those that require extra support such as neonatal intensive care. 

Why choose Geisinger for newborn services?

  • Specialized care: Our team is by your side throughout your labor and delivery. We constantly monitor you and your baby as you prepare to give birth. Regardless of whether you deliver vaginally or by cesarean section, we emphasize safety and comfort.
    • Mothers who have a vaginal delivery can expect to spend 24 hours in the hospital before discharge. Those who deliver by cesarean section typically spend 48 hours. 
    • If you’re birthing twins or other multiples, each baby has a dedicated team providing care throughout the deliveries. This approach ensures we give the exact care each child needs.
    • If your infant requires monitoring for low blood sugar, infection, neonatal abstinence syndrome or jaundice, we have skilled nurses and physicians prepared to care for your baby. 
  • Focus on bonding: Once you deliver your baby, our team emphasizes the “golden hour.” During this first hour, you will enjoy uninterrupted time as you make skin-to-skin contact with your baby to develop an immediate bond. Bonding is so important that our labor and delivery rooms are designed so you and your baby can remain in the same room throughout your hospital stay. The members of your care team remain close by should you or your baby need them. 
  • Breastfeeding and nutritional support: During the “golden hour,” we encourage immediate breastfeeding to further strengthen the mother/baby bond. Because babies are more alert in their first hour, they are more likely to correctly latch onto the breast. An early nursing experience also helps calm the baby and maintain warmth.
    • Throughout your hospital stay our dedicated team of lactation consultants are available to assist you. Support continues even after you’ve been discharged.  
    • If you’re concerned your newborn is not receiving proper nutrition, a lactation consultant or pediatric dietitian can make an evaluation. Recommendations may include formula supplements.
  • Partners in Pediatrics care: During your stay, one of our pediatricians will examine your baby and ensure all screenings and preventative vaccines and measures are taken to keep your baby healthy and safe. Our pediatricians will be available throughout your stay to answer all your questions. After discharge, you may choose one of our pediatricians to provide checkups, as well as illness and injury care. Learn about the Partners in Pediatrics practice group. 
  • Neonatal intensive care: If your newborn requires a higher level of care, they will be cared for in our nationally accredited neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). These units are staffed 24/7 by neonatologists, neonatal nurses and respiratory therapists. They have specialized training to provide the care and support your baby needs.  
  • Support services: Some parents may find that the arrival of a newborn raises other concerns. If you experience the blues or need emotional or financial support — during or after your stay — we will connect you with the appropriate support. Our team includes: 
    • Care management professionals
    • Social workers
    • Emotional and behavioral therapists 
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