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Pediatric non-cancerous blood disorders

While some blood diseases are cancerous, many others are not. These non-cancerous, or benign, blood disorders range from mild to severe. While they are not typically life-threatening, they can cause symptoms such as pain, fatigue, infection and blood loss. We offer effective treatment to provide your child with relief.

What you should know about non-cancerous blood disorders

Geisinger offers the latest, most effective treatments to help manage benign blood disorders. These conditions include:

  • Anemia: a condition in which the body lacks a sufficient supply of red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body 
  • Hemophilia: a bleeding disorder that prevents clotting, resulting in blood loss from cuts or other wounds 
  • Sickle cell disease: abnormally shaped red blood cells result in pain, infection, chronic anemia and organ damage 
  • Thalassemia: an inherited condition that can result in mild to severe anemia 
  • Thrombocytopenia: a condition that lowers the number of platelets, blood cells that help with clotting  
  • Von Willebrand disease: a milder form of hemophilia caused by low levels of an important protein in blood

Why choose Geisinger for blood disorder care?

  • Tested, effective treatments: We offer effective symptom relief by targeting treatments to the disease type and severity.  
  • Compassionate, child-friendly specialists: Our pediatric hematologists (blood specialists) focus on treating children. Their extensive training allows them to diagnose and treat the unique symptoms and conditions children face, with a light-hearted approach that puts children at ease. 
  • Emphasis on prevention: Our doctors prioritize the management of blood disorders before they become problematic. By helping control pain, infection or avoiding them and other difficulties in the first place, we give our young patients the chance to enjoy healthy, active childhoods. 

Treatment options

We effectively treat every type of benign blood disorder by delivering innovative therapies.

Request a consultation today

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