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Wound care

Geisinger’s wound specialists are experienced in treating painful, chronic or slow-to-heal ulcers, blisters, cuts or sores on the feet or lower limbs. A non-healing or chronic wound is a wound that does not improve after four weeks or does not heal in eight weeks.

Non-healing wounds need specialized attention to avoid infection from bacteria like staphylococcus (staph). Bacteria are always present in the environment and are not dangerous to healthy individuals who are wound-free, but an open wound increases the risk for infection, which can lead to serious conditions.

What you should know about wound care 

  • Slow-healing foot wounds may be caused by:
    • Ulcers that result from poor blood flow, vasculitis or rheumatoid arthritis
    • Pressure sores caused by prolonged pressure on the skin
    • Burns
    • Non-healing surgical wounds
    • Diabetes
  • Treatment for slow-healing foot wounds may include removing damaged, dead or infected tissue (debridement), hyperbaric oxygen therapy, orthotics and compression therapy.
  • Some slow-healing wounds can be addressed with lifestyle changes that improve circulation, such as quitting smoking and exercising.
  • People with diabetes need immediate attention if they have sores or tender spots on their feet.

Why choose Geisinger for your wound care? 

  • We offer the most advanced treatment options, including hyperbaric oxygen treatment, which helps the body fight bacteria and heal by exposing it to 100 percent oxygen at a higher rate of pressure than normal.
  • Our specialists believe an important part of successful wound care is prevention. That's why we address the underlying causes of ulcers, blisters, cuts and sores so feet and legs remain healthy and wound-free.

Treatment options

Non-healing wounds need specialized attention to prevent infection. We offer:

  • Diabetic foot care
  • Specialized wound care
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Specialties and institutes

Connect with other specialties at Geisinger to learn more about these treatments.

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