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Fragile X Clinic

Geisinger’s Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI) is pleased to offer a comprehensive package of developmental services for people with fragile X syndrome and the families who love them. Geisinger is a member of the international Fragile X Clinical and Research Consortium, and our multidisciplinary team has extensive knowledge and experience with fragile X.

What you should know about the Fragile X Clinic:

  • Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited cause of intellectual disabilities.
  • The diagnosis is confirmed through genetic blood testing called fragile X DNA analysis.
  • Fragile X syndrome affects males and females of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • People with fragile X syndrome may show a wide range of symptoms, including physical differences, intellectual disabilities and / or behavioral issues, such as attention deficits, anxiety, and autism.
  • Targeted pharmaceuticals, intervention strategies, and support services can maximize potential in children and adults with fragile X syndrome.
  • Family members of people with fragile X syndrome may be affected by a variety of gene-related symptoms, from infertility to neurological disorders.
  • Most families affected by fragile X have not yet been identified.


 Why choose Geisinger’s Fragile X Clinic?

  • ADMI’s leadership in the fields of neurodevelopmental pediatrics, genomic medicine, psychology, speech-language pathology, radiology, special education, and behavioral health allows us to offer unique and practical services for children and adults.
  • At ADMI’s headquarters in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, families can access a variety of medical, behavioral, genetic counseling, and assessment services.
  • ADMI’s team of specialists is available to provide local and long-distance consultations to help schools, agencies, and families address the complex needs of children and adults with fragile X.

Treats these conditions:

  • Fragile X

Specialties and institutes:

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