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Smith-Magenis Clinic

Geisinger’s Autism & Developmental Medicine Institute (ADMI) is pleased to host the first specialty clinic in the country for people with Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS).

The ADMI team includes two of the foremost specialists on SMS, Brenda Finucane, MS, LGC, and Barbara Haas-Givler, MEd, BCBA. Ms. Finucane and Ms. Haas-Givler have authored several publications on the educational and behavioral manifestations of SMS and both currently serve on the on the Professional Advisory Board for Parents and Researchers Interested in Smith-Magenis syndrome (PRISMS), the international support organization for SMS. 

What you should know about the Smith-Magenis Clinic:

SMS is associated with a specific pattern of physical, developmental, & behavioral features, including:

  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Attention-seeking behaviors
  • Characteristic facial appearance
  • Self-injurious behaviors, particularly head banging and skin & nail picking
  • Hearing and vision problems
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Speech difficulties
  • Property destruction and aggression

Despite these challenges, students with SMS have much potential and often respond to specific educational and behavioral strategies designed to meet their special needs.  

Why choose Geisinger’s Smith-Magenis Clinic?

  • ADMI was created out of the need for a partnership between clinical and research efforts to improve outcomes for children with special developmental needs. Our vision is to expand and seamlessly integrate clinical services, innovation and research, education, and family support through a multidisciplinary team of providers and researchers in the fields of neurodevelopmental pediatrics, genomic medicine, psychology, speech-language pathology, radiology, special education, and behavioral health. 
  • At ADMI’s headquarters in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, families can access a variety of medical, behavioral, genetic counseling, and assessment services. In addition, ADMI’s team of specialists is available to provide local and long distance consultations to help schools, agencies, and families address the complex needs of children and adults with SMS.

Treats these conditions:

  • Smith-Magenis Syndrome

Specialties and institutes:

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