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Toolkit of resources on prevention of individual to individual (I to I) abuse

Sexuality resources for direct care supporters of adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities
The Positive Practice Committee has successfully completed a sexuality resource guide specific to adult individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This compilation was developed to help direct care supporters focus on positive outlooks regarding sexuality for this unique population. The resources can be used alone or in combination to meet the specific needs and interests of these individuals.

Contact your HCQU nurse for further information and/or training. All other inquires can be sent to

Resource toolkit on dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
The Positive Practice Committee has successfully completed a Dementia Resource Toolkit which includes resources around best practices related to persons with major neurocognitive disorder and mild neurocognitive disorder. Recently, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) released the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

Contact your HCQU nurse for further information and/or training. All other inquires can be sent to
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