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We’ve updated our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. By using this site, you agree to these terms.

Patient rights & responsibilities

Being a good patient doesn’t mean being a silent one. If you have questions, problems, safety concerns or unmet needs, let us know. If you would like further clarification of the “Patient Rights and Responsibilities” as they pertain to you, or would like more information regarding our complaint and/or grievance process, contact the applicable facility as listed below.

As a patient of this hospital, or as a legally authorized representative or guardian of a patient, we want you to know the rights you have under federal and Pennsylvania state law before providing or stopping patient care at any time and as soon as possible during your hospital stay. We are committed to honoring your rights. You can help us meet your needs by taking an active role in your healthcare. We’re asking you and your family to share certain responsibilities with us.

All locations contact

Share your experience with the Patient Liaison Team.

Phone: 570-271-8881

Geisinger Medical Center, Geisinger Shamokin Area Community Hospital, Geisinger Jersey Shore Hospital, Geisinger Lewistown Hospital, Geisinger Community Medical Center, Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Geisinger South Wilkes-Barre, and Geisinger Clinics doing business as Geisinger Medical Groups:
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, English
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Spanish

Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital:
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, English
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Spanish

Geisinger Endoscopy Center Lewistown and Geisinger Medical Center Outpatient Surgery - Woodbine:
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, English
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Spanish

Geisinger Gray’s Woods Outpatient Surgery and Endoscopy Center and Geisinger Endoscopy Montoursville:
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, English
Patient Rights and Responsibilities, Spanish

Contact us

Pennsylvania Department of Health
Division of Acute and Ambulatory Care
625 Forster St.
Health and Welfare Building
Room 532
Harrisburg, PA 17120-0701
Phone: 800-254-5164
Phone: 717-783-8980
Fax: 717-705-6663


If you feel that your concern was not resolved through the hospital's complaint and/or grievance process, you or a representative of your choice may contact the Office of Quality Monitoring of The Joint Commission by sending an email to or visiting

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