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The weather’s warmer. It’s lighter later. Summer is the perfect time to get outdoors and be active.

Finding ways to squeeze in outdoor activities not only gets you up and moving, but it boosts your health benefits as well. You’ll see improvements in your mood, energy level, sleep and heart health, just to name a few. So whether you hibernated all winter long or you’re just tired of your normal workout routine, here are four ways to get moving outside. 
  1. Grow a garden.
    While gardening can improve your mental health by giving your mind something to focus on, your physical health can flourish as well. Digging, bending, planting and pulling all give your body a great workout.

  2. Go for a walk.
    Walking is simple — and that’s what makes it great: You just put on your sneakers and go. Since the sun is at its hottest in the afternoon, head out in the morning to start your day. Or set off in the evening instead. Try challenging yourself by adding in some hills or taking a different route.

  3. Pick your own produce.
    Skip the grocery store and head to a local orchard to pick your own produce. Not only will you have the freshest, tastiest fruits and vegetables for your meals, but you’ll be getting in some walking, stretching and carrying, too.

  4. Stay cool in the pool.
    Swimming is the go-to summer activity to get active while staying cool at the same time. This low-impact exercise uses all the major muscle groups in the body, so you get a full-body workout without even breaking a sweat. 
No matter your fitness level, be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any new outdoor activities. Check the weather before heading outside — as long as you dress right, use sunscreen and stay hydrated, your summer will be a healthy one.
Get out and active this summer
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