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Who hasn’t heard the phrase “new year, new me” in January? Maybe you’ve even said it yourself, when making resolutions. But chances are, you’re already great!

So, this year, instead of focusing on making changes, why not vow to celebrate and take care of your wonderful self? 

Most of us don’t pay much attention to self-care, which is everything you do for your mental, physical
and emotional well-being. Building this healthy relationship with yourself has been shown to prevent “overload burnout,” reduce the negative effects of stress and help you refocus. And it’s not about taking a trip to the spa or buying yourself a treat — although there’s nothing wrong with that.

Self-care is about having clean clothes and proper hygiene and nourishing our minds and bodies. It shouldn’t feel like a chore or obligation, and it doesn’t have to cost much. It’s a means to relax, recharge and help you take charge of life and stress.

Physical: Be active, eat well and take care of your health.

  • Take breaks
  • Get regular sleep
  • Go for a walk
  • Keep your doctor’s appointments

Emotional: Identify, accept and express a range of feelings

  • Journal
  • Compliment yourself
  • Find positive outlets for emotions
  • Reach out to others

Social: Maintain healthy and supportive relationships with others

  • Call or video chat with friends and family
  • Join an online community or group
  • Send a card to someone just to say hello or thank you

Intellectual: Critical thinking, interests and creativity

  • Learn a new language
  • Read a book
  • Focus on a hobby

Mental: Declutter your mind and reduce stress

  • Practice mindfulness
  • Take a technology break
  • Tidy up your home
  • Challenge negative self-talk

Spiritual: Explore and express your beliefs and values

  • Practice prayer, meditation or reflection
  • Spend time in nature
  • Perform small acts of kindness

This year, instead of a new you, how about a recharged you? Maybe you can incorporate some of these self-care activities into your day-to-day life to reduce or manage your stress and reconnect with the amazing you that you already are.

Couple outside on snow covered mountain

Questions or suggestions? Give us a call at 570-214-2438 or email us at
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