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Questions about the Affordable Care Act?

Geisinger is your trusted advisor

Certified Pennie Assisters are available in-person or via phone to answer your enrollment questions, assist in completing Marketplace applications, and discuss your healthcare coverage needs.    

Additional resources
The following resources will provide you with additional information and help answer your questions regarding the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Click here or visit to apply for coverage and compare and enroll in plans.

Medicaid expansion
Pennsylvania has expanded Medicaid as of Dec. 1, 2014. Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program offer low-cost or free health insurance for you and your family. Now, more adults whose household income is less than 133 percent of the FPL may qualify for Medicaid.

Who may be eligible? Children and teens up to age 18, parents and other adults, pregnant women, people with disabilities, youth "aging out" of foster care, U.S. citizens and certain lawfully present immigrants may be eligible.

  • Eligibility depends on your income, the number of people in your household and the rules in your state. For more information, visit or call the Geisinger Trusted Advisor Hotline at 855-849-1510, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Call Geisinger Trusted Advisor's Healthcare Reform information line at 855-849-1510 Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Geisinger also offers in person assistance with certified application counselors trained to answer your questions and assist you with completing online applications available through weekly open forums.

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