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Junior (youth) Volunteer FAQs

I am 14 years old and have older friends that are volunteering at Geisinger. Can an exception be made to let me start the process early?

The minimum age for youth to participate in the Geisinger Junior Volunteer program is 15 years old. We do not make exceptions to this policy for safety and program quality reasons.
Why do I have to apply to participate in the Junior Volunteer Program at Geisinger?

The Geisinger Junior Volunteer Program application process is competitive since we limit the number of students who can participate due to the limited capacity of our hospital departments to host volunteers. Keeping this in mind helps us to ensure that all participants have a meaningful experience.

 All interested youth must complete the application process and be formally accepted to participate in the program. Not all individuals will be accepted due to program capacity at each campus versus number of interested applicants and schedule availability.
What do I wear when volunteering?

All Geisinger volunteers are required to wear a volunteer uniform and a Geisinger name badge while serving so that they are easily identifiable.

The Junior Volunteer Program uniform is a red striped vest that is supplied to all participants prior to the start of their service. The supplied uniform vest is to be worn with navy, tan or grey pants (provided by the volunteer), a shirt with short or long sleeves and closed toed shoes.

I participated in the Junior Volunteer Program last year and have continued to volunteer on a regular basis throughout the school year. Do I have to apply to the summer program again this year?

No. If you have continued service throughout the school year without a break of more than six months in service you do not have to reapply to participate in the summer program.

However, you will still need to notify the Volunteer Services office of your intent to participate by the application deadline. (March 31st, 2023) Updating your application information and attending program orientation are also required.

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