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Junior (youth) Volunteer FAQs

I am 14 years old and have older friends who are volunteering at Geisinger. Can an exception be made to let me start the process early?

No, you must be 15 to participate in the Geisinger Junior Volunteer Program. Unfortunately, we can’t make exceptions for safety and program quality reasons. 
Why do I have to apply to participate in the Junior Volunteer Program at Geisinger?

The Geisinger Junior Volunteer Program is competitive. If you’re interested, you must complete the application process and be formally accepted to participate in the program. This way, we can give you a quality experience while also helping our patients and staff. Not everyone is accepted due to factors like availability, maturity level, the interest shown in the program during the interview and the program capacity at each campus. 
I participated in the Junior Volunteer Program last year and have continued to volunteer regularly throughout the school year. Do I have to apply to the summer program again this year?

No. If you have continued service throughout the school year without a break of more than 6 months in service, you do not have to reapply to participate in the summer program. However, you must notify the Volunteer Services staff of your intent to participate in the summer program again and update your personal information before the annual deadline of Feb. 28. 

I participated in the Junior Volunteer Program last year. Do I need to attend orientation before participating again?

Yes. You must attend the Junior Volunteer Program orientation each year to participate. Training and information for this intensive, 8-week program is updated regularly, can differ from year to year and is essential for your success. 
I was not accepted into the Junior Volunteer Program. Are there other opportunities for me to volunteer?

At Geisinger, you must first complete a Junior Volunteer Program summer session before you can volunteer throughout the school year. 
Does Volunteer Services offer the opportunity to shadow physicians or observe in a clinical setting?

No. Volunteering is different than shadowing or observation. Volunteer Services doesn’t arrange shadowing with hospital departments. If you’re interested in a shadowing or observation experience, contact the respective hospital department directly. 
Does Volunteer Services set up learning opportunities for interns or co-op students in a clinical setting?

No. Volunteer Services does not arrange internships or cooperative learning experiences with hospital departments. If you’re interested in participating in a learning experience for school credit, call Geisinger Human Resources at 570-271-6640 for information. 
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