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We’ve updated our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. By using this site, you agree to these terms.


Your first step to becoming a patient at ADMI is to obtain a referral from your primary care physician. Once you have that submitted, continue through the steps on this page. Click here if you are a physician interested in referring a patient to ADMI.

How can I schedule an appointment?

A referral from your Primary Care Physician is required to obtain an appointment. Referrals should be made to ADMI.

Please fax the following to 570-271-5806: 

  • Reason for referral
  • Demographics (name, birthdate, address, phone number, and insurance card information)
  • A copy of the most recent well child visit
  • For school-aged children (6 years of age and older), an appointment will not be considered until we receive the school district's Evaluation Report and most recent IEP (if IEP is available). 

ADMI accepts referrals for:

Children kindergarten age and younger who have:

  • Known or suspected developmental delays (in language, motor, social and/or self-help skills).
  • High risk for developmental delays (e.g., genetic syndromes known to be associated with developmental disorders, prematurity and other known risk factors).

Children ages 7 to 9 who have or are suspected to have:

  • Intellectual disability or other severe developmental impairments (significant deficits in language, motor, social and/or self-help skills).
  • Autism with associated learning and developmental impairments (significant deficits in language, motor and/or self-help skills).
  • If child is in school, a copy of school Evaluation Report and IEP documenting significant learning concerns is required.

Children ages 10 to 18 with:

  • Documented intellectual disability with or without autism (diagnosed using valid, standardized methods). We can transfer care of children with these conditions who have been followed by another provider.
  • If child is in school, a copy of school Evaluation Report and IEP documenting significant learning concerns is required.

How do I know if ADMI accepts my insurance?

ADMI is a part of Geisinger, and accepts all insurance plans that Geisinger accepts

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