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Refer your patient to ADMI

You need a referral from a pediatrician or primary care provider to make an appointment at ADMI. The following information should be faxed to 570-271-5806:

  • Reason for referral.
  • Name, date of birth, address, phone number and insurance card information.
  • A copy of the most recent well-child visit.
  • For children age 6 and older, we need the school district's evaluation report and most recent IEP (if IEP is available) before we can consider making an appointment.

Referring your patient to ADMI

Our interdisciplinary team, in partnership with our patients, their families and referring physicians, is enhancing our understanding of autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders. At ADMI, our goal is to help our patients reach their highest individual potential.

What to consider when referring to ADMI:

We focus on the diagnosis and management of complex neurodevelopmental disorders including:

  • Global developmental delay
  • Intellectual disability
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Genetic diagnoses that result in developmental symptoms

We offer comprehensive services for children and their families including:

  • Neurodevelopmental assessments
  • Psychological and educational testing
  • Genetic and medical diagnostic testing
  • Genetic counseling
  • Medication management
  • Speech-language assessments
  • Behavioral evaluations

Who can be referred to ADMI?

Children kindergarten age and younger who have:

  • Known or suspected developmental delays (in language, motor, social and/or self-help skills).
  • High risk for developmental delays (e.g., genetic syndromes known to be associated with developmental disorders, prematurity and other known risk factors).

Children ages 7 to 9 who have or are suspected to have:

  • Intellectual disability or other severe developmental impairments (significant deficits in language, motor, social and/or self-help skills).
  • Autism with associated learning and developmental impairments (significant deficits in language, motor and/or self-help skills).
  • If child is in school, a copy of school Evaluation Report and IEP documenting significant learning concerns is required.

Children ages 10 to 18 with:

  • Documented intellectual disability with or without autism (diagnosed using valid, standardized methods). We can transfer care of children with these conditions who’ve been followed by another provider.
  • If child is in school, a copy of school Evaluation Report and IEP documenting significant learning concerns is required.

Other referrals

The conditions below may be referred to Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pa., (or another provider in your area) for treatment.

  • Children for whom the primary concern is ADHD or other disruptive behaviors (e.g., oppositional behavior, tantrums, conduct problems/antisocial behavior), in the absence of documented intellectual disability or ASD, should be referred to pediatric psychology/psychiatry.
  • Children for whom the primary concern is anxiety, mood problems (depression, mania) or possible psychosis (hallucinations, delusions) should be referred to pediatric psychology/psychiatry.
  • Children with possible seizures should be referred to pediatric neurology.
  • Children with acquired and/or obviously progressive motor/cognitive dysfunction (traumatic brain injury, new onset paralysis, stroke, etc.) should be referred to pediatric neurology and/or psychology.

Specialty clinics at ADMI

At our Lewisburg, Pa., location, we offer four specialty clinics that provide leading-edge care for people (and their families) living with specific genetic disorders including:

  • Fragile X Clinic (ADMI Headquarters, Lewisburg, PA): for children and families with fragile X syndrome and related disorders
  • Dup15q Developmental Clinic (ADMI Headquarters, Lewisburg, PA): for children with chromosome 15q11.2-13 duplications 
  • Smith-Magenis Clinic (ADMI Headquarters, Lewisburg, PA): for children and adults with Smith-Magenis syndrome
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